Benefits of wearing Contact Lenses

4 Benefits of Contact Lenses

Not everyone has 20/20 vision, this means there will be some of us that wears glasses to correct our vision. The technology for glasses has been advancing so much that many of the lenses now contain anti-glare features, anti-scratch, and anti-fog coatings. 

Over the years, glasses have been used not only for correcting our vision, but also as a fashion accessory. Glasses are great as it keeps us safe when we are out and about, but there are also options for you to ‘leave the glasses at home (or in your bag’ and adopt the use of contact lenses instead. 

Here are 4 benefits of contact lenses:


When it comes to exercise or play sports, there is a level of agility and fast movements involved. As we play sports, we often run the risk of the glasses slipping away from our faces, or we may need purchase an additional ‘band’ to secure the glasses. With contact lenses, it frees you from the need of adjusting the glasses so you can focus on playing the sports. 


Believe it or not, contact lenses can be very comfortable especially when we wear them for a certain period. This is because we won’t have an item that sits on our nose bridges, and we won’t risk the need to reapply cosmetics or risk the ‘sticky’ feeling from applying creams and serums in the morning. 

What’s more, newer generations of contact lenses are made from silicone hydrogel that allows more oxygen to pass through your eyes so your eyes won’t become dry and irritated. One of the key benefit if we say so ourselves.

Protecting Your Eyes

When we wear contact lenses, it removes the chance of broken or shattered glasses that is created by sports and accidents. Nowadays, contact lenses have a higher water concentrate levels, thinner than its predecessors, and shields your eyes from harmful UV rays. 

Enhances your look

We are born with a certain eye colour, but what if there is an opportunity for you to temporarily change the look of your eyes? With coloured contact lenses you can. Our power-free contact lenses are created just for that purpose. 

Made in South Korea, our tri-tone coloured contact lenses are perfect for those special occasions where you just want to enhance the colour of your eyes. From a range of browns, blues, greens, and greys, we know there will be a colour for you.  

If you are first time user and do agree with the benefits, you might want to read our blog about How to wear contact lenses and How to remove contact lenses.

***Please note, this blog article is intended for informative purposes and does not involve any levels of medical advice. Always check with your opticians before trying contact lenses. ***